June 21, 2017, Research
Oil rig counts in the Eagle Ford Shale region began to rise after bottoming in 2016, and are expected to continue rising steadily in 2017. SAN ANTONIO, (June 21, 2017) – Commissioned by the South Texas Energy and Economic Roundtable (STEER), The University of Texas at San Antonio’s (UTSA)...
May 5, 2016, Research
The Office of the Governor contracted with CCBR to investigate the economic impact of Texas businesses with fewer than 100 employees and to identify factors that contribute to their success or failure. In order to achieve this goal, a multi-prong approach was taken that includes: Economic analyses e...
May 28, 2015, Research
The University of Texas at San Antonio’s Institute for Economic Development, the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, the Asociación de Empresarios Mexicanos, and the Woodrow Wilson Center are set to release a preliminary report to gauge the growth and the effects that the oil and natural gas in...
February 23, 2015, Research
The University of Texas at San Antonio Institute for Economic Development released a study today showing that three State grants to support natural gas programs generated $128 million in economic impact, generated $79.1 million in gross state product and supported 927 full-time jobs in 2014. The thr...
September 23, 2014, Research
The production of oil and natural gas in the Eagle Ford Shale generated more than $87 billion in total economic output for the state last year, according to a study released today by The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) Institute for Economic Development. UTSA researchers also concluded tha...
December 16, 2013, Research
Development of oil and natural gas in a 16-county region of West Texas added more than $14.5 billion in total economic impact during 2012, according to a study released today by the Center for Community and Business Research in The University of Texas at San Antonio Institute for Economic Developmen...
June 30, 2013, Research
The West Texas Energy Consortium (“Consortium” or WTxEC) is an open forum for coordination and information sharing, organized by the Workforce Solutions Boards in Concho Valley, West Central Texas, and Permian Basin Regions. The WTxEC has contracted with the Center for Community and Business Res...
May 17, 2013, Research
Center for Community and Business Research Institute for Economic Development University of Texas at San Antonio Summary Article Navigation Region L and the Need for Population Projection Analysis Study Points General Information about the Population Projection Study Graphics Static and Dynamic Maps...
March 26, 2013, Research
Ongoing research at The University of Texas at San Antonio Institute for Economic Development is serving as the preeminent resource to state and local officials in forecasting the evolving economic impact of the Eagle Ford Shale. The Eagle Ford Shale is a 50 mile-wide by 400 mile-long formation that...
July 12, 2012, Research
Economic Impact for Counties with Active Drilling The Center for Community and Business Research at The University of Texas at San Antonio Institute for Economic Development (UTSA) performed an economic study of 14 counties in the Eagle Ford Shale area that portrays a detailed image of the challenge...